The undergraduate summer research fellows presented posters on their accomplishments on July 26. Twenty-six of the presentations were on work done in the Chemistry Department, representing nine different research groups. For more on the event, visit News @ Wesleyan. A list of the chemistry presenters is below the photographs.

Brynn Assignon | “Expressing and Characterizing Heptosyltransferase Enzymes” |
Alison Biester | “Selectivity and Byproduct Formation in Thiol-Michael Reactions” |
David Cabanero | “Computational Studies on the Catalytic, Asymmetric ‘Interrupted’ Feist-Benary Reaction” |
Grace Chen | “Characterization of the solution speciation of vanadyl complexes through longitudinal and transverse relaxation times” |
Dan Chung | “Mapping the Allosteric Network of Glutathione Peroxidase-4 (GPX4)” |
Mary Do | “Synthesizing Analogs of Anti-Cancer Molecule, Rocaglamide” |
Emanual Fetene | “Expression and Purification of Computationally Designed Mini-Proteins” |
Jessica Garcia | “Synthesis of 6-(aminomethyl) picolinate” |
Allie Goss | “Synthesis of Nigrospine” |
Abrar Habib | “Synthesis of Bimetallic Palladium-Copper (Pd-Cu) & Silver-Platinum (Ag-Pt) Nanoparticles” |
Chien Ho | “Non-Linear Dependence of 1H Relaxation Rates on the Concentration of Copper Hexaaqua Ion” |
Eija Kent | “Investigation of Seed-Mediated Synthesis of Gold Containing Nanoparticles” |
Amy Liu | “Subcloning LpxE from pET-15b to pNGFP-BC” |
Lucas Mani | “Modification of Pyridine Donating Groups in TPADA and TPAMA to Optimize Stability and Relaxivity” |
Tenzin Ngodup | “Fingerprinting Biomolecules and the Detection of Disease Markers Through the Use of Rhodium Nanocubes For Surface Enhanced Resonance Raman Spectroscopy” |
Theo Prachyathipsakul | “Synthesis and Study of a Water-soluble Macrocycle” |
Kristen Scopino | “Molecular Dynamics of the 530 Loop of the Ribosome” |
Kendar Serindag | “Computational Design of DNA Scaffold for Optimization of CryoEM” |
Joshua Signore | “Conformational Isomerism of 1-Iodopentane and 1-Iodohexane” |
Rochelle Spencer | “Dendrimer Synthesis via Highly Efficient Thiol-Michael Reactions” |
Kate Sundberg | “The Synthesis of a Probe for Lignin Depolymerization Detection” |
Grant Tillinghast | “Kinetic Ensemble Refinement Improves Protein NMR Structures” |
Frank Tucci | “Mutagenesis of E. coli Heptosyltransferase I to Disrupt Enzyme Dynamics and Chemistry” |
Aryan Vavila | “Ab Initio Investigation of Radical Organic Compounds” |
Sonja Welch | “Electrochemical Synthesis of Gold Concave Nanocubes” |
Jaina Wollowitz | “A Computational, Energetic Analysis of the Roles of Initiators in Thiol-Vinylsulfone Reactions” |